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The Company


We are not an agency, but a technical service provider specialising in the implementation and optimisation of complex web and e-commerce projects using the most advanced technologies and methods.

Where We Come From

What Makes byte5 Different

byte5 was founded by Christian Wendler in 2004 to make the developments of mission-critical internet solutions by two well-known companies a success. However in 2007, the growing project volume led to the decision to convert this service into a scalable business model that remains true to everything that makes byte5 so special for us and our clients: a unique combination of customer centricity and progressive IT service.

In 2021, a 100% subsidiary for events and training was added with byte5 live GmbH, and in 2022 the expansion to Austria took place with byte5 vienna GmbH.

With the best possible balance of economic pragmatism and technical competence, we make our clients the winners of the digital revolution.

The continuous exploration of innovative technologies and methods makes us digital pioneers for the complex web projects of medium and large-sized companies. We regard an interpersonal relationship based on empathy as an unconditional prerequisite for a sustainable project success in order to enable mutual trust on all levels.

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Expert Knowledge Instead of an Agency-Style Sales Tray

By specialising in selected technology stacks, we develop pragmatic and sustainable solutions for the individual challenges of our customers.

It is not our objective to work with every tools or technology out there. Our aim is rather to select the best of them and to really master them. Only then are we able to find unconventional solutions or to identify and eliminate them faster than other causes of the problem.

Since our client projects are always very individual and highly integrated web solutions, we are constantly looking for the best tools for this environment. Our criteria include things such as openness to adjustments, performance and stability at the enterprise level. But licensing and data protection requirements are also being checked.

Our Core-Technologies

The claim of byte5 is to be a leader in the German-speaking world in every technology or method that we include in our portfolio. We underline this, for example, by publishing professional articles, official partnerships, certification trainings or hosting renowned conferences.

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More information on byte5

What would you like to learn about? Get in touch!

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